Well, I'm tutoring this morning. Yahoo! The girls get really confused when I go to school on a Saturday. They want Tony to go to school and "babysits" to come. Oh well, they have "babysits" on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, I think that's enough. Tony has today off. We are cleaning and grocery shopping. Yahoo for cleaning and grocery shopping.... or not really. :0) We will live though, I'm sure of it.
As you can see there is a whole lot of tutoring going on.... or not so much. I don't know why people come and sit and do homework who don't need help. But I guess it's nice if you do have a question someone is here to answer it.... hopefully! No, really so far I've done okay... knock on wood!
Lets see, this next week there is no gym, Rye's energy is going to go through the roof. But then the following week she starts a new class. She's moving up to the 5/6 year old class early, so that she can be doing things more challenging. Cass is starting gym for the summer that following week as well. She's excited, she loves to dance but she has a lot of fun during the summer gym time. Travis is just growing away. He's a really good baby and hopefully I'm not jinxing it.
I got a job, although I can't seem to clock in. But I got a job working for one of the teachers as a grader. It's really a nice because for the most part I work from home. I am glad that I can help out financially too, even though Tony will still have to work full time.
Well, I should get off of here.... it will be time for me to head home soon. Yahoo, cleaning and grocery shopping. :0)